Physical Examination
What happens during a physical examination?
First, all load-related data that are required for Planning the Orthosis are determined during the physical examination.
In addition, the pathological and physiological conditions of the patient regarding their ability to stand (1) and their ability to walk (2) as well as their joint and muscle strength (3) are documented.
Why do we recommend to perform a detailed physical examination?
Only an in-depth physical examination enables an exact planning of the orthotic treatment. And only an exact planning ensures the development of an effective, ideal treatment that is customised to the patient’s requirements and pathological conditions. Hence, an ideal treatment compensates present limitations to the maximum technical extent.
The treatment goal is always to achieve a standing and walking ability that is as physiological as possible, to reduce compensation mechanisms or eliminate them entirely. When the treatment goal is achieved, this enables the patient to have an efficient movement flow, prevents secondary diseases and provides a higher quality of life.
An effective and efficient treatment, based on an exact physical examination, saves materials, working hours and as a consequence expenses.
We provide orthotic treatment sheets which you can use to record all important user or patient data. Use the selected orthotic treatment sheet as basis for communication with our Technical Support and for the Orthosis Configurator.
You will find all documents relevant for the physical examination here.
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