User Story from Stela
wears an orthosis with NEURO SWING System Ankle Joint
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a progressive disease of the peripheral nerves. Both motor and sensory nerves are affected. The symptoms first appear in the feet in the form of paralysis and muscular dystrophy of the foot and lower leg muscles, which leads to functional restrictions when walking.
In the video we show Stela, a patient affected by CMT, and the effect of an orthosis on her gait in direct comparison to walking without an orthosis. A dynamic treatment with a NEURO SWING lower leg orthosis, like Stela is wearing, offers the potential to preserve the ability to walk. The NEURO SWING system ankle joint not only compensates for the impaired dorsiflexion assist, but also supports heel lift as well as the initiation of the swing phase by means of its strong spring units. It offers the necessary dynamics to create a physiological gait, especially in case of spastic pareses.